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医学部 医学科 感染症学講座寄生虫学分野 |
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Kawahara K, Inada T, Tanaka R, Dayi M, Makino T, Maruyama S, Kikuchi T, Sugimoto A, Kawata M
Genome biology and evolution 15 ( 4 ) 2023年4月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:Genome biology and evolution
Why the recently discovered nematode Caenorhabditis inopinata differs so greatly from its sibling species Caenorhabditis elegans remains unknown. A previous study showed that C. inopinata has more transposable elements (TEs), sequences that replicate and move autonomously throughout the genome, potentially altering the expression of neighboring genes. In this study, we focused on how the body size of this species has evolved and whether TEs could affect the expression of genes related to species-specific traits such as body size. First, we compared gene expression levels between C. inopinata and C. elegans in the L4 larval and young adult stages-when growth rates differ most prominently between these species-to identify candidate genes contributing to their differences. The results showed that the expression levels of collagen genes were consistently higher in C. inopinata than in C. elegans and that some genes related to cell size were differentially expressed between the species. Then, we examined whether genes with TE insertions are differentially expressed between species. Indeed, the genes featuring C. inopinata-specific TE insertions had higher expression levels in C. inopinata than in C. elegans. These upregulated genes included those related to body size, suggesting that these genes could be candidates for artificial TE insertion to examine the role of TEs in the body size evolution of C. inopinata.
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evad063
Ko P.P., Haraguchi M., Hara T., Hieu D.D., Ito A., Tanaka R., Tanaka M., Suzumura T., Ueda M., Yoshida A., Maruyama H., Nagayasu E.
Parasitology International 92 102663 2023年2月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:Parasitology International
Strongyloides is a genus of parasitic nematodes of vertebrates comprising approximately 50 documented species, each with various host ranges. Among these, three species (S. stercoralis, S. fuelleborni, and S. cebus) are known to infect primate hosts. S. fuelleborni typically infects non-human primates in the Old World. To complement the existing information on the global genetic structure of this species, we conducted a genotyping study of S. fuelleborni samples collected from rhesus macaques in Myanmar, Japanese macaques in Japan, and some zoo-kept primates. This study identified a novel haplotype group in isolates from the Myanmar rhesus macaques. Subsequently, we obtained the complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genome sequences of S. fuelleborni, S. cebus (Strongyloides of New World monkeys), and S. vituli (Strongyloides of cattle). Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated mitochondrial protein sequences of various Strongyloides species indicated a close relationship between S. fuelleborni, S. vituli and S. papillosus (Strongyloides in sheep and cattle). S. cebus is quite distantly related to both S. fuelleborni and S. stercoralis, which led to the hypothesis that the three primate Strongyloides species evolved independently as parasites of primates.
Kanzaki N., Tanaka R., Giblin-Davis R.M.
Nematology 25 ( 5 ) 509 - 529 2023年
掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:Nematology
A Schistonchus species was isolated from the syconia of the creeping fig, Ficus pumila, collected from Miyazaki, Japan. The nematode was considered an undescribed species based on its typological characters, molecular profiles (near full length of small subunit and D3 expansion segment of large subunit of RNA) and phylogenetic status inferred from these two loci. The new species is characterised by the presence of flagellate sperm, spicule possessing small condylus, triangular rostrum with bluntly pointed tip and clear dorsal and ventral limbs, structure and arrangement of male caudal papillae, i.e., presence of papilliform P3 and P3a and small and gland opening-like P4 (glandpapillae), relatively short post-uterine sac and female tail forming elongate conoid. It is phylogenetically close to S. hirtus. However, the new species is distinguished from other nominal Schistonchus species by its female tail shape forming elongate conoid, the structure and arrangement of male caudal papillae and several other typological characters. In addition, the host fig of the nematode, F. pumila, is a creeper fig species belonging to subgenus Synoecia (section Rhizocladus; subsection Plagiostigma), from which no fig-Associated nematode has been reported so far, i.e., the present study is the first report of Schistonchus (and other syconia-inhabiting nematodes) from the Ficus subgenus Synoecia. Keywords
Sun S., Kanzaki N., Dayi M., Maeda Y., Yoshida A., Tanaka R., Kikuchi T.
BMC Genomics 23 ( 1 ) 765 2022年12月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:BMC Genomics
Background: The first metazoan genome sequenced, that of Caenorhabditis elegans, has motivated animal genome evolution studies. To date > 50 species from the genus Caenorhabditis have been sequenced, allowing research on genome variation. Results: In the present study, we describe a new gonochoristic species, Caenorhabditis niphades n. sp., previously referred as C. sp. 36, isolated from adult weevils (Niphades variegatus), with whom they appear to be tightly associated during its life cycle. Along with a species description, we sequenced the genome of C. niphades n. sp. and produced a chromosome-level assembly. A genome comparison highlighted that C. niphades n. sp. has the smallest genome (59 Mbp) so far sequenced in the Elegans supergroup, despite being closely related to a species with an exceptionally large genome, C. japonica. Conclusions: The compact genome of C. niphades n. sp. can serve as a key resource for comparative evolutionary studies of genome and gene number expansions in Caenorhabditis species.
柴田 紗帆, 岸本 圭子, 田中 龍聖, 竹本 周平, 廣岡 裕吏
日本森林学会大会発表データベース 133 ( 0 ) 639 2022年5月
記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等) 出版者・発行元:日本森林学会
葉の表面を指す葉面(phylloplane)は,陸上微生物最大の生息場所の1つと考えられている.この葉面上には,植物を基質とする菌類だけでなく,葉面上の他の生物,花粉や塵といった堆積物などを基質とする多様な菌類種が存在すると考えられている.しかしながら,葉面に存在する菌類(葉面菌)は胞子や酵母,菌糸などの単純な形態で存在することや,その単純な形態ゆえに種同定が極めて難しいことから,生態学的役割について未解明な点が多い.そこで本研究では,葉面菌の生態学的役割解明に向けたそれら菌の同定基盤の構築を目指し,林内で容易に観察されるノキシノブ(常緑シダ植物の一種)の葉面より分離された菌類の多様性解明を行なった.異なる地域や時期に採取したノキシノブ71標本の葉面から420菌株を分離し,rDNA LSU領域の塩基配列を用いてそれら菌株の簡易同定を行なった.そして,そのうち分離頻度の高い17種について,詳細な種同定を行った結果,約半数にあたる8種は未記載種と考えられた.今後,葉面菌の生態学的役割を明らかにするためには,これら多様な菌類のさらなる分類学的研究が必要である.
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科研費(文科省・学振・厚労省)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
研究課題/領域番号:16K18608 2016年04月 - 2019年03月
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)