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Engineering educational research section Information and Communication Technology Program |
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Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of Science ( 1989.6 Osaka University )
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Aoki Y., Nobukawa K.K., Ito Y., Nobukawa , Kanemaru , Miyazaki K., Kusunoki K., Mori K., Yoneyama T., Tamba T., Tomida H., Nakajima H., Matsumoto H., Noda H., Hayashida K., Tsuru T.G., Uchida H., Tanaka T., Suzuki H., Yoshida T., Murakami H., Yamauchi M., Hatsukade I., Hagino K., Kohmura T., Kobayashi S.B., Hiraga J.S., Uchiyama H., Yamaoka K., Ozaki M., Dotani T., Tsunemi H.
Proceedings of Science 420 2023.5
Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Proceedings of Science
We have developed a soft X-ray telescope system Xtend onboard Japan's new X-ray astronomical satellite XRISM. Xtend employs X-ray CCDs, which have basically the same design as those used in the previous X-ray astronomical satellite Hitomi. Monochromatic X-ray line spectra of the CCDs onboard Hitomi showed offsets of centroids between different pixel patterns or different good grades; the spectral centroids of charge-sharing events are higher than those of single-pixel events. The spectral offset, which we call “Goffset”, can cause large uncertainties in X-ray energy determination accuracy. In this paper, confirming the CCDs onboard XRISM also have Goffset, we performed a simulation study that takes into account the two factors; charge sharing and readout noise. Goffset of the flight model CCD is successfully reproduced by the simulation with a certain readout noise. We investigate how charge sharing and readout noise cause Goffset based on the simulation results.
Development and Practice of Self-diagnosis System for Information Security Measures Reviewed
Aoki Kenji, Sonoda Makoto, Kurogi Wataru, Miyamoto Masashi, Hatsukade Isamu
Journal for Academic Computing and Networking 26 ( 1 ) 63 - 70 2022.12
Authorship:Last author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Academic eXcange for Information Environment and Strategy
Xtend, the soft x-ray imaging telescope for the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) International coauthorship
Mori K., Tomida H., Nakajima H., Okajima T., Noda H., Tanaka T., Uchida H., Hagino K., Kobayashi S.B., Suzuki H., Yoshida T., Murakami H., Uchiyama H., Nobukawa M., Nobukawa K., Yoneyama T., Matsumoto H., Tsuru T., Yamauchi M., Hatsukade I., Ishida M., Maeda Y., Hayashi T., Tamura K., Boissay-Malaquin R., Sato T., Hiraga J., Kohmura T., Yamaoka K., Dotani T., Ozaki M., Tsunemi H., Kanemaru Y., Sato J., Takaki T., Terada Y., Miyazaki K., Kusunoki K., Otsuka Y., Yokosu H., Yonemaru W., Asahina Y., Asakura K., Yoshimoto M., Ode Y., Sato J., Hakamata T., Aoyagi M., Aoki Y., Tsunomachi S., Doi T., Aoki D., Fujisawa K., Kitajima M., Hayashida K.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 12181 2022.8
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Xtend is a soft x-ray imaging telescope developed for the x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission (XRISM). XRISM is scheduled to be launched in the Japanese fiscal year 2022. Xtend consists of the soft x-ray imager (SXI), an x-ray CCD camera, and the x-ray mirror assembly (XMA), a thin-foil-nested conically approximated Wolter-I optics. The SXI uses the P-channel, back-illuminated type CCD with an imaging area size of 31mm on a side. The four CCD chips are arranged in a 2×2 grid and can be cooled down to -120 °C with a single-stage Stirling cooler. The XMA nests thin aluminum foils coated with gold in a confocal way with an outer diameter of 45 cm. A pre-collimator is installed in front of the x-ray mirror for the reduction of the stray light. Combining the SXI and XMA with a focal length of 5.6m, a field of view of 38′ × 38′ over the energy range from 0.4 to 13 keV is realized. We have completed the fabrication of the flight model of both SXI and XMA. The performance verification has been successfully conducted in a series of sub-system level tests. We also carried out on-ground calibration measurements and the data analysis is ongoing.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2626894
Kanemaru Y., Sato J., Takaki T., Terada Y., Mori K., Saito M., Nobukawa K.K., Tanaka T., Uchida H., Hayashida K., Matsumoto H., Noda H., Hanaoka M., Yoneyama T., Okazaki K., Asakura K., Sakuma S., Hattori K., Ishikura A., Amano Y., Okon H., Tsuru T.G., Tomida H., Kashimura H., Nakajima H., Kohmura T., Hagino K., Murakami H., Kobayashi S.B., Nishioka Y., Yamauchi M., Hatsukade I., Sako T., Nobukawa M., Urabe Y., Hiraga J.S., Uchiyama H., Yamaoka K., Ozaki M., Dotani T., Tsunemi H.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 984 2020.12
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
We present experimental studies on the charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) of charge-coupled device (CCD) developed for the soft X-ray imaging telescope, Xtend, aboard the XRISM satellite. The CCD is equipped with a charge injection (CI) capability, in which sacrificial charge is periodically injected to fill the charge traps. By evaluating the re-emission of the trapped charge observed behind the CI rows, we find that there are at least three trap populations with different time constants. The traps with the shortest time constant, which is equivalent to a transfer time of approximately one pixel, are mainly responsible for the trailing charge of an X-ray event seen in the following pixel. A comparison of the trailing charge in two clocking modes reveals that the CTI depends not only on the transfer time but also on the area, namely the imaging or storage area. We construct a new CTI model by taking into account both transfer-time and area dependence. This model reproduces the data obtained in both clocking modes consistently. We also examine apparent flux dependence of the CTI observed without the CI technique. The higher incident X-ray flux is, the lower the CTI value becomes. It is due to a sacrificial charge effect by another X-ray photon. This effect is found to be negligible when the CI technique is used.
Optical blocking performance of CCDs developed for the X-ray Astronomy Satellite XRISM Reviewed
Uchida H., Tanaka T., Amano Y., Okon H., Tsuru T.G., Nakajima H., Noda H., Hayashida K., Matsumoto H., Hanaoka M., Yoneyama T., Okazaki K., Asakura K., Sakuma S., Hattori K., Ishikura A., Saito M., Nobukawa K.K., Tomida H., Kanemaru Y., Sato J., Takaki T., Terada Y., Mori K., Kashimura H., Kohmura T., Hagino K., Murakami H., Kobayashi S.B., Nishioka Y., Yamauchi M., Hatsukade I., Sako T., Nobukawa M., Urabe Y., Hiraga J.S., Uchiyama H., Yamaoka K., Ozaki M., Dotani T., Tsunemi H., Suzuki H., Takagi S.i., Sugimoto K., Atsumi S., Tanaka F.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 978 2020.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
We have been developing P-channel Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) for the upcoming X-ray Astronomy Satellite XRISM, planned to be launched in 2021. While the basic design of the CCD camera (Soft X-ray Imager: SXI) is almost the same as that of the lost Hitomi (ASTRO-H) observatory, we are planning to reduce the phenomenon of “light leakages” that is one of the largest problems recognized in Hitomi data. We adopted a double-layer optical blocking layer on the XRISM CCDs and also added an extra aluminum layer on the backside of them. We develop a newly designed test sample CCD and irradiate it with optical light to evaluate the optical blocking performance. As a result, light leakages are effectively reduced compared with that of the Hitomi CCDs. We thus conclude that the issue is solved by the new design and that the XRISM CCDs satisfy the mission requirement for the SXI.
MISC 【 display / non-display 】
情報処理学会九州支部「火の国シンポジウム2003」A-1-4 2003.3
H_{0} Determination Using X-ray Cluster of Galaxies A773
共著者:M.Matsuura, S.Miyoshi, K.Yamashita, Y.Tawara, A.Furuzawa, A.N.Lasenby, R.Saunders, M.Jones, I.Hatsukade
京都産業大学論集 28巻59-71頁 1997.3
宮崎大学工学部研究報告40号65-69頁 1994.8
宮崎大学工学部研究報告39号39-45頁 1993.8
Near-nucleus imaging observations of comet Austin
共著者:J.Watanabe, S.Ichikawa, K.Takagishi, I.Hatsukade, M.Sakai, 他5名
Publications of National AstronomicalObservatory of Japan, Vol.2, 267-292 1991.6
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
X線分光撮像衛星 XRISM 搭載軟X線撮像装置 Xtend の現状
Event date: 2024.3.18 - 2024.3.21
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
X 線分光撮像衛星 (XRISM) 搭載軟 X 線撮像装置 (Xtend) の軌道上運用
中嶋大、森浩二、冨田洋、野田博文、廿 日出勇、他
Event date: 2024.3.11 - 2024.3.15
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
X 線天文衛星 XRISM 搭載 X 線 CCD 検出器 SXI におけるフレームデータとノ イズ性能の評価
Event date: 2024.3.11 - 2024.3.15
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
青木謙二, 園田誠, 黒木亘, 宮本理司, 廿日出勇
大学ICT推進協議会 2023年度 年次大会
Event date: 2023.12.13 - 2023.12.15
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
X 線分光撮像衛星 (XRISM) 搭載軟 X 線撮像装置 (Xtend) の開発の現状 (10)
内山秀樹、信川正順、森浩二 、冨田洋、廿日出勇、他
Event date: 2023.9.20 - 2023.9.22
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant number:17540261 2007.04 - 2008.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Grant number:16540217 2006.04 - 2007.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
これまで観測が行われていないGRB発生前後の残光観測を行うために、広視野を高時間分解能で常時観測する観測システム、Miyazaki Wide-field Monitor(MWM)を開発した。
Grant number:17540261 2006.04 - 2007.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Grant number:16540217 2005.04 - 2006.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Grant number:17540261 2005.04 - 2006.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)