Affiliation |
Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine Department of Medicine of Pathophysiological Diagnosis and Therapy, Emergency, Critical Care, and Disaster Medicine |
Title |
Professor |
External Link |
OCHIAI Hidenobu
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Ph.D (Medicine) ( 2005.3 University of Miyazaki )
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
救命救急センター専従薬剤師による血中薬物濃度検査オーダの入力支援体制の構築 Reviewed
日本病院薬剤師会雑誌 60 ( 1 ) 23 - 29 2024.1
Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Kawano N., Kyohei Y., Miyoshi H., Yoshida N., Ohshima K., Arakawa F., Nakashima K., Kameda T., Kogure Y., Ito Y., Yoshida S., Kuriyama T., Nakaike T., Tochigi T., Takigawa K., Yamashita K., Toyofuku A., Manabe T., Doi A., Terasaka S., Marutsuka K., Ochiai H., Kikuchi I., Mori Y., Kataoka K., Yoshizumi T., Yamauchi J., Yamano Y., Shimoda K.
Renal Replacement Therapy 9 ( 1 ) 2023.12
Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Renal Replacement Therapy
Backgrounds: Therefore, reports on the risk of HTLV-1-related diseases in organ transplantation have increased in recent years, and the management of HTLV in renal transplantation remains a challenge. Patients and methods: We retrospectively analyzed four HTLV-1-positive recipients or donors among 89 renal transplantation cases from 2006 to 2021. Results: Among the four HTLV-1-positive recipients, two patients developed adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) derived from recipients at approximately 3 years (1016 days and 1195 days) after renal transplantation. Case 1 developed lymphoma-type ATL (an extranodal primary cutaneous variant), including skin and pulmonary lesions. The patient achieved CR with FK tapering and CHOP therapy following cord blood stem cell transplantation. However, the patient died 101 days after ATL development because of a severe fungal infection. Case 2 developed acute-type ATL with an unusual phenotype of CD4+8+30+. The patient was treated with FK tapering and palliative therapy because of poor PS. Notably, in case 1, histopathological findings showed high numbers of PD-1-positive TIL cells in ATL, suggesting exhausted T cells and a correlation with the early onset of ATL. Furthermore, in Case 2, histopathological findings revealed CD 30 expression in ATL cells, suggesting the importance of CD 30 in ATL development. Importantly, case 2 showed typical driver mutations, including CCR4 truncation mutations of the C-terminal, TBL1XR1 mutation, and TP53 mutation in the splice site. Notably, our present study and our previous study on renal transplantation strongly indicated that two out of two and one out of 59 “recipient” positive cases developed ATL, respectively. Furthermore, our previous nationwide study 4 out of 10 “donor” positive cases developed HAM. These findings showed that ATL may be derived from HTLV-I+ recipient cells and HAM may be derived from HTLV-1+ donor cells, although the precise mechanism remains unknown. Conclusions: Thus, early onset and rapid progression of ATL with poor outcomes should be considered in HTLV-1 endemic areas. Furthermore, immunological or genetic mechanisms may be related to the development of ATL after renal transplantation. We believe that the mechanism of onset of ATL after transplantation may be important when considering the immune environment of ATL itself.
Miyake Y, Abe T, Suekane A, Goan A, Ameda T, Ochiai H
The American journal of case reports 24 e939250 2023.7
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:American Journal of Case Reports
Objective: Background: Case Report: Conclusions: Unusual clinical course Clavicle fractures are a relatively common injury, and are not problematic when occurring alone. Venous thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is generally caused by compression of the subclavian vein between the first rib and oblique muscles, and is often complicated by the presence of upper extremities deep vein thrombosis (UEDVT). Herein, we present a case of venous TOS complicated with UEDVT due to a dislocated clavicle fracture. A 29-year-old man was injured in a motorcycle accident. The patient’s right clavicle was fractured, and the distal part of the fracture had dislocated into his right thorax. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed an obstruction of the subclavian vein by the dislocated clavicle and thrombus on the distal side of the obstruc-tion. Anticoagulant therapy was not indicated because of other injuries, such as traumatic subarachnoid hem-orrhage. No vena cava filter was placed in the superior vena cava owing to the relatively low volume of the thrombus. Alternatively, intermittent pneumatic compression to the right forearm was initiated. On day 6, sur-gical reduction of the clavicle was performed. The thrombus remained after the reduction. The patient received anticoagulation therapy with heparin followed by oral anticoagulants. The patient was discharged without any complications of UEDVT or bleeding. Venous TOS with UEDVT caused by trauma is rare. Anticoagulation therapy, pneumatic limb compression, and vena cava filter placement should be considered according to the degree of the obstruction and other associ-ated injuries.
DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939250
A pediatric case of multiple trauma with impending cardiac arrest due to hemorrhagic shock successfully treated with resuscitative thoracotomy: A case report. Reviewed
Hojo K, Abe T, Saito K, Sasaki A, Ochiai H
Acute medicine & surgery 10 ( 1 ) e867 2023.1
The 14th Congress of Japan Society for The Acute Care Surgery: A Congress Report
Nanashima Atsushi, Kawano Fumiaki, Ochiai Hidenobu, Nagano Takehiko
Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery advpub ( 0 ) 147 - 150 2023
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (other academic) Publisher:The Japanese Society for the Acute Care Surgery
We herein describe the congress report regarding the 14th Congress of Japan Society for The Acute Care Surgery held in Aoshima, Miyazaki between September 30th and October 1st in 2022.
DOI: 10.50840/jjacs.13-03
Books 【 display / non-display 】
今日の治療指針2023年版 私はこう治療している
落合 秀信( Role: Contributor , 【中毒性疾患】塩素ガス中毒)
医学書院 2023.1
Responsible for pages:143-143 Book type:Scholarly book
今日の治療指針2022年版 私はこう治療している
落合 秀信( Role: Contributor , 【中毒性疾患】シアン中毒)
医学書院 2022.1
Responsible for pages:143-143 Book type:Scholarly book
今日の治療指針2021年版 私はこう治療している
落合 秀信( Role: Contributor , 【中毒性疾患】酸・アルカリ化学損傷)
医学書院 2021.1
Responsible for pages:146-147 Book type:Scholarly book
今日の治療指針2020年版 私はこう治療している
落合 秀信( Role: Contributor , 【中毒性疾患】グリホサート・グルホシネート中毒)
医学書院 2020.1
Responsible for pages:134-135 Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
MISC 【 display / non-display 】
Azuma M., Nakada H., Takei M., Nakamura K., Katsuragawa S., Shinkawa N., Terada T., Masuda R., Hattori Y., Ide T., Kimura A., Shimomura M., Kawano M., Matsumura K., Meiri T., Ochiai H., Hirai T.
Emergency Radiology 29 ( 2 ) 425 2022.4
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:Emergency Radiology
Complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy secondary to sepsis-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation successfully treated with eculizumab: A case report.
Abe T, Sasaki A, Ueda T, Miyakawa Y, Ochiai H.
Wolters Kluwer Health 96 ( 6 ) e6056 2017.2
Language:English Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
ノロウイルス性胃腸炎に合併した劇症型Clostridium perfringens感染症の1例 Reviewed
長野健彦, 安部智大, 長嶺育弘, 今井光一, 松岡博史, 金丸勝弘, 落合秀信, 牧原真治, 廣兼民徳
宮崎県医師会医学会誌 40 ( 1 ) 60 - 64 2016.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
【E Word 私が大切にしている言葉】及ばざるは過ぎたるよりまされり 平常心
Emergency Care 26 ( 8 ) 1 - 1 2013.7
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:メディカ出版
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
第23回宮崎生協病院地域連携懇談会 (宮崎)
Event date: 2023.3.24
Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
第57回宮崎救急医学会 (宮崎)
Event date: 2023.3.18
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
第57回宮崎救急医学会 (宮崎)
Event date: 2023.3.18
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
第57回宮崎救急医学会 (宮崎)
Event date: 2023.3.18
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
畠中健吾, 工藤陽平, 落合秀信
第6回日本臨床・分析中毒学会総会・学術集会 (川崎)
Event date: 2023.3.11
Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)