Affiliation |
Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine Department of Medicine of Sensory and Motor Organs, Ophthalmology |
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IKEDA Yasuhiro
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Fukuyama H., Ishikawa H., Gomi F., Yamamoto S., Baba T., Sato E., Kitahashi M., Tatsumi T., Miura G., Niizawa T., Sakamoto T., Yamakiri K., Yamashita T., Otsuka H., Sameshima S., Yoshinaga N., Sonoda S., Hirakata A., Koto T., Inoue M., Hirota K., Itoh Y., Orihara T., Emoto Y., Sano M., Takahashi H., Tokizawa R., Yamashita H., Nishitsuka K., Kaneko Y., Nishi K., Yoshida A., Ono S., Hirokawa H., Sogawa K., Omae T., Ishibazawa A., Kishi S., Akiyama H., Matsu-moto H., Mukai R., Morimoto M., Nakazawa M., Suzuki Y., Kudo T., Adachi K., Ishida S., Noda K., Kase S., Mori S., Ando R., Saito M., Suzuki T., Takahashi K., Nagai Y., Nakauchi T., Yamada H., Kusaka S., Tsujioka D., Tsujikawa A., Suzuma K., Ishibashi T., Sonoda K.H., Ikeda Y., Kohno R., Ishikawa K., Kondo M., Kozawa M., Kitaoka T., Tsuiki E., Ogura Y., Yoshida M., Morita H., Kato A., Hirano Y., Sugitani K., Terasaki H., Iwase T., Ito Y., Ueno S., Kaneko H., Nonobe N., Kominami T., Azuma N., Yokoi T., Shimada H., Nakashizuka H., Hattori T., Shinojima A., Kutagawa Y., Shiraga F., Morizane Y., Kimura S., Ikeda T., Kida T., Sato T., Fukumoto M., Emi K., Nakashima H., Ohji M.
Scientific Reports 14 ( 1 ) 2024.12
Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Scientific Reports
We investigated the impact of drainage retinotomy on the outcome of pars plana vitrectomy for repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). This study was a retrospective observational multicenter study. All patients were registered with the Japan-Retinal Detachment Registry. We analyzed 1887 eyes with RRD that had undergone vitrectomy and were observed for 6 months between February 2016 and March 2017. We compared the baseline characteristics and postoperative outcomes between eyes with and without drainage retinectomy. We then performed propensity score matching using preoperative findings as covariates to adjust for relevant confounders. Of 3446 eyes, 1887 met the inclusion criteria. Among them, 559 eyes underwent vitrectomy with drainage retinotomy, and 1328 eyes underwent vitrectomy without drainage retinotomy. After propensity score matching, each group comprised 544 eyes. There was no significant difference between the two groups in BCVA at 6 months after vitrectomy (0.181 vs. 0.166, P = 0.23), the primary anatomical success rate (6.3% vs. 4.4%, P = 0.22), or the rate of secondary surgery for ERM within 6 months (1.5% vs. 1.3%, P = 1.0). Drainage retinectomy does not increase the risk of decreased postoperative BCVA, surgical failure, or secondary surgery for ERM within six months outcomes.
Genetic Risk Stratification of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma in Japanese Individuals. Reviewed
Akiyama M, Tamiya G, Fujiwara K, Shiga Y, Yokoyama Y, Hashimoto K, Sato M, Sato K, Narita A, Hashimoto S, Ueda E, Furuta Y, Hata J, Miyake M, Ikeda HO, Suda K, Numa S, Mori Y, Morino K, Murakami Y, Shimokawa S, Nakamura S, Yawata N, Fujisawa K, Yamana S, Mori K, Ikeda Y, Miyata K, Mori K, Ogino K, Koyanagi Y, Kamatani Y, Biobank Japan Project, Ninomiya T, Sonoda KH, Nakazawa T, Japan Glaucoma Society Omics Group, Genomic Research Committee of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society
Ophthalmology 2024.7
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
特集 第77回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[5] 原著 抗アクアポリン4抗体陽性視神経炎の視力の経過 Reviewed
山添 早織, 中馬 秀樹, 池田 康博
臨床眼科 78 ( 7 ) 823 - 827 2024.7
Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:株式会社医学書院
Disease-specific variant interpretation highlighted the genetic findings in 2325 Japanese patients with retinitis pigmentosa and allied diseases. Reviewed
Goto K, Koyanagi Y, Akiyama M, Murakami Y, Fukushima M, Fujiwara K, Iijima H, Yamaguchi M, Endo M, Hashimoto K, Ishizu M, Hirakata T, Mizobuchi K, Takayama M, Ota J, Sajiki AF, Kominami T, Ushida H, Fujita K, Kaneko H, Ueno S, Hayashi T, Terao C, Hotta Y, Murakami A, Kuniyoshi K, Kusaka S, Wada Y, Abe T, Nakazawa T, Ikeda Y, Momozawa Y, Sonoda KH, Nishiguchi KM
Journal of medical genetics 61 ( 7 ) 613 - 620 2024.6
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Relationships between causative genes and epiretinal membrane formation in Japanese patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Reviewed
Nakamura S, Fujiwara K, Fukushima M, Shimokawa S, Shimokawa S, Koyanagi Y, Hisatomi T, Takeda A, Yasuhiro I, Murakami Y, Sonoda KH
Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie 2024.6
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
眼科診療ビジュアルラーニング5 「網膜, 硝子体」
池田 康博( Role: Contributor)
中山書店 2020.9
眼疾患アトラスシリーズ2 「後眼部アトラス」
池田 康博( Role: Contributor)
総合医学社 2019.10
眼疾患アトラスシリーズ2 「後眼部アトラス」
池田 康博( Role: Contributor)
総合医学社 2019.10
MISC 【 display / non-display 】
Precision Medicine 2020.2
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
【眼科の先進的医療Up to Date】遺伝性網膜変性疾患の遺伝子治療
あたらしい眼科 2019.11
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
機器・薬剤紹介 HOYA暗所視支援眼鏡MW-10 HiKARI
眼科 2019.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
【眼科医の手引】 暗所視支援眼鏡
日本の眼科 2019.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant number:22K09769 2022.04 - 2025.03
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:22K09770 2022.04 - 2025.03
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
中馬 秀樹、