湯川 修弘 (ユカワ ノブヒロ)

YUKAWA Nobuhiro



医学部 医学科 社会医学講座法医学分野




学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士(医学) ( 1992年11月   宮崎医科大学 )

  • 医学士 ( 1985年3月   宮崎医科大学 )

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ライフサイエンス / 法医学


論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Postmortem computed tomography of barium peritonitis due to descending colon perforation 査読あり

    Shinkawa N., Yanagita M., Yukawa N., Nagatomo T.

    Radiology Case Reports   19 ( 5 )   2008 - 2012   2024年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Radiology Case Reports  

    We describe herein the findings from postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) of barium peritonitis due to descending colon perforation. The patient was a woman in her 60s who underwent upper gastrointestinal series with barium swallow for the purpose of physical examination. The patient developed abdominal pain the next day and visited a clinic, but was sent home for later follow-up. She was found dead at home 8 days after upper gastrointestinal series. Based on the corpse phenomena and police investigations of the scene of death, the patient was estimated to have died 6 days after the upper gastrointestinal series. PMCT revealed free gas within the peritoneal cavity. Barium and fat stranding were also observed around a diverticulum in the descending colon. A large amount of residual barium was seen in the ascending colon and was considered to represent antemortem constipation and delayed barium excretion. No gas was detected in the abdominal wall, cardiac chambers or hepatic vasculature. The pancreas and adrenal glands had a normal appearance. We diagnosed barium peritonitis due to descending colon perforation as the cause of death. Diverticular perforation was suspected because barium retention and fat stranding were particularly noticeable around the descending colon diverticulum. In conclusion, we have presented a rare case of postmortem diagnosis of barium peritonitis. In PMCT interpretation, distinguishing between ante- and postmortem intestinal perforations is important.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.radcr.2024.02.008



  • Postmortem computed tomography of barium peritonitis due to descending colon perforation 査読あり

    新川 慶明, 湯川 修弘, 長友 達寛

    Radiology Case Reports   19 ( 5 )   2008 - 2012   2024年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier  

    We describe herein the findings from postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) of barium peritonitis due to descending colon perforation. The patient was a woman in her 60s who underwent upper gastrointestinal series with barium swallow for the purpose of physical examination. The patient developed abdominal pain the next day and visited a clinic, but was sent home for later follow-up. She was found dead at home 8 days after upper gastrointestinal series. Based on the corpse phenomena and police investigations of the scene of death, the patient was estimated to have died 6 days after the upper gastrointestinal series. PMCT revealed free gas within the peritoneal cavity. Barium and fat stranding were also observed around a diverticulum in the descending colon. A large amount of residual barium was seen in the ascending colon and was considered to represent antemortem constipation and delayed barium excretion. No gas was detected in the abdominal wall, cardiac chambers or hepatic vasculature. The pancreas and adrenal glands had a normal appearance. We diagnosed barium peritonitis due to descending colon perforation as the cause of death. Diverticular perforation was suspected because barium retention and fat stranding were particularly noticeable around the descending colon diverticulum. In conclusion, we have presented a rare case of postmortem diagnosis of barium peritonitis. In PMCT interpretation, distinguishing between ante- and postmortem intestinal perforations is important.

    CiNii Research

  • Technical note: Excel spreadsheet calculation of the Henssge equation as an aid to estimating postmortem interval. 査読あり

    Otatsume M, Shinkawa N, Tachibana M, Kuroki H, Ro A, Sonoda A, Kakizaki E, Yukawa N

    Journal of forensic and legal medicine   101   102634   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine  

    In forensic cases for which the time of death is unknown, several methods are used to estimate the postmortem interval. The quotient (Q) defined as the difference between the rectal and ambient temperature (Tr − Ta) divided by the initial difference (T0 − Ta) represents the progress of postmortem cooling: Q = (Tr − Ta)/(T0 − Ta), (1 ≥ Q ≥ 0). Henssge was able to show that with the body weight and its empirical corrective factor, Q can be reasonably predicted as a double exponential decay function of time (Qp(t)). On the other hand, actual Q is determined as Qd by measuring Tr and Ta under an assumption of T0 = 37.2 °C. Then, the t value at which Qp(t) is equal to Qd (Qd=Qp(t)) would be a good estimate of the postmortem interval (the Henssge equation). Since the equation cannot be solved analytically, it has been solved using a pair of nomograms devised by Henssge. With greater access to computers and spreadsheet software, computational methods based on the input of actual parameters of the case can be more easily utilized. In this technical note, we describe two types of Excel spreadsheets to solve the equation numerically. In one type, a fairly accurate solution was obtained by iteration using an add-in program Solver. In the other type (forward calculation), a series of Qp(t) was generated at a time interval of 0.05 h and the t value at which Qp(t) was nearest to Qd was selected as an approximate solution using a built-in function, XLOOKUP. Alternatively, a series of absolute values of the difference between Qd and Qp(t) (|Dq(t)| = |Qd − Qp(t)|) was generated with time interval 0.1 h and the t value that produces the minimum |Dq(t)| was selected. These Excel spreadsheets are available as Supplementary Files.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jflm.2023.102634



  • A case of fatal tracheal compression in a patient with Hashimoto's disease under the setting of previous tracheostomy 査読あり

    Sonoda A., Shinkawa N., Kakizaki E., Yukawa N.

    Forensic Science International: Reports   8   2023年12月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Forensic Science International: Reports  

    This autopsy case involved a woman in her 60 s with a history of temporal tracheostomy. During an event in which her son allegedly experienced an epileptic seizure, he grasped the woman around the upper chest for several moments. The woman then experienced breathing difficulties, lost consciousness and died. Postmortem computed tomography revealed a pinhole-like tracheal narrowing at the level of the tracheostomy encircled by the thyroid. Autopsy revealed a modestly enlarged thyroid gland due to previously undiagnosed Hashimoto's disease and an old fracture in a tracheal ring indicating that the trachea had been compressed by the thyroid. Hashimoto's disease rarely causes sudden death through systemic endocrine disturbance, but this case may illustrate that against a background of previous tracheostomy that mechanically weakens the trachea, enlargement of the thyroid (goiter) as a local effect of the disease can also cause sudden death.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fsir.2023.100337


  • Methodological considerations of the acetaminophen Detection Kit®: Involvement of molecular oxygen (O<inf>2</inf>) in an indophenol reaction 査読あり

    Shinkawa N., Marukawa M., Wada K., Yukawa N.

    Legal Medicine   64   102278   2023年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Legal Medicine  

    The Acetaminophen Detection Kit® (Kanto Chemical Company Co. Inc., Tokyo, Japan) is a colorimetric test based on an indophenol reaction. The test involves three reactions: deproteination of the sample, hydrolysis of acetaminophen to yield p-aminophenol, and coupling p-aminophenol with a derivative of phenol in alkali conditions to form a blue-colored indophenol dye. The kit was devised to accomplish these three reactions with only two reagents, allowing the prompt diagnosis of acetaminophen overdose in emergency medicine. In the user instructions included with the kit and in reports introducing the kit, the chemical composition of the two reagents was not disclosed. Details about the composition can be found in the Safety Data Sheet from the manufacturer; however, there is little explanation about the principle (mechanism) of the coupling reaction. This lack of information appears to have hampered the use of this kit in forensic medicine. In this report, we conducted the coupling reaction by successively adding the two reagents to a p-aminophenol (intermediate molecule) solution with the reaction vessel open to the air and under an anaerobic condition. Development of the blue color was inhibited in the absence of air but gradually developed when the reaction vessel was opened to air. Thus, the coupling reaction is an oxidation–reduction (redox) reaction that requires molecular oxygen (O2) dissolved from the air to act as an oxidant. This finding corroborates statements in previous reports and will hopefully facilitate the use of the kit for forensic purposes.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2023.102278



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書籍等出版物 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Esentials of Autopsy Practice. Vol. 5 Innovations, Updates and Advances in Practice. 分担章の題名: Diatom and Laboratory Tests to Support a Conclusion of Death by Drowning.(共著)

    Yukawa N, Kakizaki E, Kozawa S( 担当: 共著 ,  範囲: 内容に係わる解剖をし、執筆した。)

    Springer-Verlag (London)  2012年10月 


    記述言語:英語 著書種別:学術書

  • Mitochondrial analysis in forensic science. In Rapley R, Whitehouse D, ediotrs.

    Matsuda H, Yukawa N.( 担当: 共著 ,  範囲: 14)

    John Weiley & Sons, Ltd  2007年4月 


    記述言語:英語 著書種別:学術書

MISC 【 表示 / 非表示

講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Degree of reduction を用いたアルコール代謝の法医学教育

    湯川修弘、新川慶明、林 里采、園田 愛、柿崎英二



    開催年月日: 2020年10月16日 - 2020年10月17日


  • 血液水溶液への可視光照射によるルミノール反応の加速効果

    林 里采,白上 努,柿崎英二,新川慶明,園田 愛,湯川修弘



    開催年月日: 2019年10月25日 - 2019年10月26日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  • ボタン電池の誤飲や嵌頓において,低電圧1.5 Vの電池でも組織傷害性のアルカリが生成される理由について

    新川慶明,柿崎英二,林 里采,園田 愛,湯川修弘



    開催年月日: 2018年10月19日 - 2018年10月20日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  • 右手に笹の葉を固く握った状態で発見され即時性死体硬直と思われた溺死の一解剖例

    湯川修弘、新川慶明、柿崎英二、園田 愛、林 里采、小片 守



    開催年月日: 2018年10月19日 - 2018年10月20日


科研費(文科省・学振・厚労省)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 溺死診断におけるプランクトン検査の意義:既成概念の大幅な変革に挑戦する

    研究課題/領域番号:22K19675  2022年04月 - 2025年03月

    独立行政法人日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金  挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    園田 愛、



  • 最も少ない労力で行える溺死の補助診断検査:法医実務に合わせた最も効果的な活用法

    研究課題/領域番号:21H03215  2021年04月 - 2024年03月

    独立行政法人日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)



  • 溺死の診断のためのLAMP法を用いた簡易迅速スクリーニング検査法の開発

    2013年04月 - 2016年03月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)




  • 溺死体の血液及び諸臓器中に存在する水棲微生物のメタゲノム解析

    2013年04月 - 2016年03月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)




  • 高度に腐乱した水中死体でも溺死の推定が行える検査法の開発

    2008年04月 - 2011年03月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)




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寄附金・講座・研究部門 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 社会医学講座法医学分野研究奨学金(法医学講座の研究・解剖助成)

    寄附者名称:湯川 修弘 2019年11月

  • 社会医学講座法医学分野研究奨学金(法医学講座の研究・解剖助成)

    寄附者名称:湯川 修弘 2019年11月

  • 社会医学講座法医学分野研究奨学金(法医学講座の研究・解剖助成)

    寄附者名称:湯川 修弘 2019年04月

  • 社会医学講座法医学分野研究奨学金(法医学講座の研究・解剖助成)


  • 社会医学講座法医学分野研究奨学金(法医学講座の研究・解剖助成)


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