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Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine Department of Infectious Diseases, Parasitology |
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Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Syntenic relationship of chromosomes in Strongyloides species and Rhabditophanes diutinus based on the chromosome-level genome assemblies. Reviewed International coauthorship
Kounosu A, Sun S, Maeda Y, Dayi M, Yoshida A, Maruyama H, Hunt V, Sugimoto A, Kikuchi T
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 379 ( 1894 ) 20220446 2024.1
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Michiko Koga, Akihiko Suganuma, Tadashi Kikuchi, Yukihiro Yoshimura, Kensuke Shoji, Ichiro Kobayashi, Shunichiro Takezaki, Yasuyuki Kato, Mikio Kimura, Haruhiko Maruyama
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 27 ( 6 ) 924 - 928 2021.6
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Elsevier BV
Sugiyama T, Ichikawa-Seki M, Sato H, Kounosu A, Tanaka M, Maruyama H
Parasitology international 82 102311 2021.6
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Parasitology International
Recombinant Fasciola cathepsin L-1 (rCatL1) was evaluated in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serodiagnosis of human fasciolosis in Japan. Quality characteristics of the test were accessed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, with sera from fasciolosis patients (n = 10), patients with no evidence of parasitic infections (n = 29), and patients with other helminth infections (n = 119). Both the sensitivity and specificity of the test achieved 100% with the control samples. To test the performance of the assay in an authentic situation, 311 serum samples, which had been sent to our laboratory for the diagnosis of parasitic infections from January 2018 to February 2019, were re-assessed using the rCatL1 ELISA. In this case, the sensitivity of the rCatL1 ELISA was 100%, giving positive results to all fasciolosis sera (n = 7), and the specificity was 99.0%, in which three of the 304 non-fasciolosis samples were judged positive. Careful re-examination of the laboratory data and medical imaging of these three patients revealed that one of the patients, who had been diagnosed as having larva migrans syndrome, was judged to be infected with Fasciola, in addition to ascarid nematodes. Thus the true specificity of the assay in the authentic reached 99.3% (302/304). As the rCatL1 ELISA exhibited a highly significant positive likelihood ratio (152.0) and negative likelihood ratio (0.0), calculated from the 311 sample data, this rCatL1 ELISA can be used for routine screening and definitive diagnosis test for fasciolosis in reference laboratories.
Genome of the fatal tapeworm Sparganum proliferum uncovers mechanisms for cryptic life cycle and aberrant larval proliferation. Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Taisei Kikuchi, Mehmet Dayi, Vicky L Hunt, Kenji Ishiwata, Atsushi Toyoda, Asuka Kounosu, Simo Sun, Yasunobu Maeda, Yoko Kondo, Belkisyole Alarcon de Noya, Oscar Noya, Somei Kojima, Toshiaki Kuramochi, Haruhiko Maruyama
Communications biology 4 ( 1 ) 649 - 649 2021.5
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
The cryptic parasite Sparganum proliferum proliferates in humans and invades tissues and organs. Only scattered cases have been reported, but S. proliferum infection is always fatal. However, S. proliferum's phylogeny and life cycle remain enigmatic. To investigate the phylogenetic relationships between S. proliferum and other cestode species, and to examine the mechanisms underlying pathogenicity, we sequenced the entire genomes of S. proliferum and a closely related non-life-threatening tapeworm Spirometra erinaceieuropaei. Additionally, we performed larvae transcriptome analyses of S. proliferum plerocercoid to identify genes involved in asexual reproduction in the host. The genome sequences confirmed that the S. proliferum has experienced a clearly distinct evolutionary history from S. erinaceieuropaei. Moreover, we found that nonordinal extracellular matrix coordination allows asexual reproduction in the host, and loss of sexual maturity in S. proliferum are responsible for its fatal pathogenicity to humans. Our high-quality reference genome sequences should be valuable for future studies of pseudophyllidean tapeworm biology and parasitism.
Nakagawa Y, Ikematsu Y, Nakanishi T, Ogawa Y, Taen R, Nakashima Y, Okabe H, Yoshida A, Maruyama H
Parasitology international 81 102279 2021.4
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Parasitology International
We encountered an outbreak of paragonimiasis among Cambodian technical intern trainees (TITs) at a food-processing factory in Fukuoka, Japan. The patients were 20–28 years old, seven females and two males, who had been in Japan for one to four years. All of them had consumed raw or undercooked Japanese mitten crab they purchased at a local grocery store near their training place. CT images showed multiple lesions not only in the lungs but in the extrapulmonary organs as well, such as subcutaneous tissues, abdominal muscles, and mesentery, in most of the patients. Their medical records indicated that all of them acquired infection in Japan, not in Cambodia. Diagnosis was made serologically and the patients were treated with praziquantel successfully. Foreign workers and TITs are increasing in Japan so rapidly, that food borne-infections, including paragonimiasis, should be considered in people from developing countries who have exotic dietary habits.
Books 【 display / non-display 】
臨床検査法提要 改訂第35版
丸山 治彦( Role: Joint author , Ⅲ.寄生虫・原虫検査、Ⅳ.衛生動物)
金原出版株式会社 2020.5
Responsible for pages:1269-1300 Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia
今日の診断指針 第8版
丸山 治彦( Role: Joint editor , 糞線虫症)
医学書院 2020.3
Responsible for pages:1362-1364 Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia
治療薬UP-TO-DATE 2020
丸山 治彦( Role: Joint author)
メディカルレビュー社 2020.1
Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia
治療薬ハンドブック 2020
丸山 治彦( Role: Joint author)
じほう 2020.1
Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia
今日の治療方針 2020
丸山 治彦( Role: Joint editor)
医学書院 2020.1
Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia
MISC 【 display / non-display 】
Strongyloidiasis in recently arrived captive-bred meerkats imported to Japan
Nagayasu E., Takaki Y., Takami Y., Yoshida A., Une Y., Maruyama H.
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 40 10 - 11 2022.1
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine
肝蛭症の1例 肝好酸球性膿瘍を来す稀な寄生虫感染症 Reviewed
樺澤 崇允, 山谷 英之, 丸山 治彦, 浦野 友佳, 鈴木 一司, 北岡 匠, 玉澤 暢之, 宇都宮 文, 大江 倫太郎, 山川 光徳
診断病理 38 ( 1 ) 40 - 43 2021.1
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会
治療法の再整理とアップデートのために 専門家による私の治療 顎口虫症 Invited
丸山 治彦
日本医事新報 ( 5033 ) 40 - 41 2020.10
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:(株)日本医事新報社
感染症の今日的問題点 寄生虫症からかいま見える現代日本社会 Invited
丸山 治彦
感染症学雑誌 94 ( 臨増 ) 106 - 106 2020.3
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:(一社)日本感染症学会
丸山 治彦
小児科 57 ( 6 ) 591 - 598 2016.5
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal) Publisher:金原出版株式会社
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
わが国における食肉由来寄生虫症 Invited
第160回日本獣医学会集会 食肉の安全性に関する市民公開シンポジウム 「食肉に由来する感染症とその予防」
Event date: 2017.9.13 - 2017.9.15
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
わが国における食肉由来寄生虫症 International conference
第160回日本獣医学会集会 食肉の安全性に関する市民公開シンポジウム 「食肉に由来する感染症とその予防」
吉田彩子, Yen Thi HoangNguyen, 丸山治彦, 堀井洋一郎, 野中成晃
Event date: 2016.9.6 - 2016.9.8
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
血清疫学的手法による鶏肉・内臓を介したヒトの動物由来回虫症への感染リスク評価 International conference
吉田彩子, Yen Thi HoangNguyen, 丸山治彦, 堀井洋一郎, 野中成晃
吉田彩子, 松尾加代子, 長安英治, 丸山治彦
Event date: 2016.6.20
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
磁性ナノ粒子を用いた蠕虫のin vivoイメージングによる体内移行動態の解析
Grant number:21K06995 2021.04 - 2024.03
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
吉田 彩子,
Grant number:21H02725 2021.04 - 2024.03
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:18K07090 2018 - 2021.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Grant number:26460510 2014.04 - 2017.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:24659190 2012.04 - 2014.03
科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究
Authorship:Principal investigator
Other research activities 【 display / non-display 】
2009.11 - 2010.04
Available Technology 【 display / non-display 】
Related fields where technical consultation is available:次世代DNAシーケンサを用いた病原微生物の塩基配列解析