Papers - THI THI ZIN
Nanyaseik ruby of phakant township, Kachin state, northern Myanmar Reviewed
Htin Lynn Aung, Thi Thi Zin
2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2017 2017-January 1 - 2 2017.12
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2017
The marble unit of the study area is sub divided into five subunits; depending up on the minerals assemblages: (1) phlogopite marble (2) diopside-chondrodite-marble (3) graphite marble (4) serpentine bearing marble and (5) white marble. Tertiary sedimentary rocks of Pakhren sandstone, equivalent to Namting Series of Chhibber, 1934 occupies the eastempart. Gemstones are found as detrital fragments in gem-bearing soil horizons known as byones. The Nanyaseik rubies are characterized by their distinct colours of which, the commonest colour being, light pinkish red and intense red and rarely pigeon's blood red. In crystal forms, rubies usually have rounded corners rhombohedrons, pinacoids and not well developed prism faces. Habitually, rhombohedral faces display coarse striations and some with pitted surfaces. It is probable that the Nanyaseik area is situated near the plate boundaries and within the northern splay of the Sagaing fault. Moreover, it also forms a segment of Jade Mine region. Therefore, it is reasonable that the pressure had played an important role more effectively than the temperature in the process of metamorphism.
Epitome key information extraction using color values on block Reviewed
Mie Mie Tin, Nyein Nyein Myo, Mie Mie Khin, Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin
2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2017 2017-January 1 - 2 2017.12
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2017
In this paper, we propose block diagonal movement technique to classify shots on video frame sequence. Both RGB color pixel values and Hue value are employed in the proposed technique. Since Key frames are essential to analysis on large amount of video sequence databases this paper uses surveillance video files to extract some meaningful information key frames from long video sequences. This purpose is to reduce weak transaction frames in a large video stream by using block base approaches with diagonal movement. The experimental results show that RGB pixel value base approach is more suitable than HSV hue value base approach. In addition, it is learnt that RGB pixel value base method can extract key frames than HSV hue base with less processing times. RGB pixel values base diagonal block method can process accurately, clearly and stability to extract key information frames.
Automatic evaluation of Cow's body-condition-score using 3D camera Reviewed
Sosuke Imamura, Thi Thi Zin, Ikuo Kobayashi, Yoichiro Horii
2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2017 2017-January 1 - 2 2017.12
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2017
Body Condition Scoring (BCS) is a method of evaluating fatness or thinness in cows, and it is important to manage productivity of the cows. However, it is not easy to measure BCS by observing animals because it consumes much time and costs, especially in the large-scale farming. Therefore, almost farmers are not conducting regular evaluation of BCS. In this paper, we propose the noninvasive method for automated evaluation of cow's BCS by using 3D camera and image processing technology.
Exploring gemstones in northern part of Myanmar Reviewed
Htin Lynn Aung, Thi Thi Zin
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 579 182 - 188 2017.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
The primary occurrences of gemstones in Nanyaseik area seem to be scarce, the secondary placer gem-bearing deposits are noteworthy. All gemstone occurrences from Nanyaseik area are mainly recovered from secondary deposits (gravels). Gemstones are found as detrital fragments in gem-bearing soil horizons known as byones. According to the drainage characteristics of this area and its environs gem-bearing alluvium had been probably descended from northwestern and western watersheds that created those secondary deposits, especially at the junctions of major streams and their tributaries where local people wash the byone and extract gems. These gems include precious rubies, sapphires (including padparadscha) and others; spinel, tourmaline, zircon, quartz, diopside and almandine garnet.
A new conceptual model for big data analysis Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, Hiromitsu Hama
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 579 52 - 58 2017.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
In today modern societies, everywhere has to deal in one way or another with Big Data. Academicians, researchers, industrialists and many others have developed and still developing variety of methods, approaches and solutions for such big in volume, fast in velocity, versatile in variety and value in vicinity known as Big Data problems. However much has to be done concerning with Big Data analysis. Therefore, in this paper we propose a new concept named as Big Data Reservoir which can be interpreted as Ocean in which all most all information is stored, transmitted, communicated and extracted to utilize in our daily life. As a starting point of our proposed new concept, in this paper we shall consider a stochastic model for input/output analysis of Big Data by using Water Storage Reservoir Model in the real world. Specifically, we shall investigate the Big Data information processing in terms of stochastic model in the theory of water storage or dam theory. Finally, we shall present some illustrations with simulation.
Some characteristics of nanyaseik area corundum and other assorted gemstones in Myanmar Reviewed International coauthorship
Htin Lynn Aung, Thi Thi Zin
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 579 173 - 181 2017.10
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
The rock sequence of the study area consists of medium to high grade metamorphic rocks, marble, gneiss and intrusive igneous rocks, mainly biotite microgranite and serpentinite. Although the primary occurrences of gemstones in this area seem to be scarce, the secondary placers gem-bearing deposits are noteworthy. The Nanya rubies are characterized by their distinct colours of which, the commonest colour being, light pinkish red and intense red and rarely pigeon’s blood red. A glassy texture with excellent transparency makes the stone more attractive. In crystal forms, rubies usually have rounded corners, rhombohedrons, pinacoids and not well developed prism faces. Habitually, rhombohedral faces display coarse striations and some with pitted surfaces. It is probable that the Nanyaseik area is situated near the plate boundaries and within the northern splay of the Sagaing fault. Moreover, it also forms a segment of Jade Mine region. Therefore, it is reasonable that the pressure had played an important role more effectively than the temperature in the process of metamorphism.
Markov queuing theory approach to internet of things reliability Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, Hiromitsu Hama
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 579 165 - 172 2017.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
In today world a new buzzword Internet of Things has been on the news nearly every day. Some researchers are even using Internet of Every Things. Its potentialities and applicability are now on the cutting edge technology. Also, all most all of business, health care, academic institutions are in one way or another, having to deal with the Internet of Things. So the Internet of Things reliability becomes an important factor. In this paper we proposed a Markov Queuing approach to analyze the Internet of Thing reliability. Since queuing theory investigates the delay and availability of functioning things and Markov concepts take the dependency of Things in the Internet, the combination of these two concepts will make the problem clear and soluble. For illustration, we present some experimental results.
Estimating body condition score of cows from images with the newly developed approach Reviewed
Nay Chi Lynn, Zin Mar Kyu, Thi Thi Zin, Ikuo Kobayashi
Proceedings - 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2017 91 - 94 2017.8
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:Proceedings - 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2017
The Body Condition Score (BCS) is the level of energy reserves in many species, including dairy cattle. For the exact management on dairy farms, the judgment process of BCS is critically important. In this study, the implementation of newly developed approach to estimate body condition score is proposed. Back view images of the cow were used in this system. The area around the tailhead and left and right hooks are segmented automatically and then classified that region for estimating the body condition score. The three main steps conducted are (1) segmentation of cows' images, (2) extraction of region of interest (ROI) by using the convex hull method, and (3) calculation of parameter using moving average method. To confirm this new approach, back view images of various cow types are used and the experimental results confirm its effectiveness with accurate results.
An Innovative Deep Machine for Human Behavior Analysis Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, Hiromitsu Hama
Proc. of 12th Intl. Conf. on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2017) 2017.8
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
In this paper we shall propose an innovative deep machine model to analyze human behaviors without using engineers’ hand crafted features. Due to the tremendous potentials with respect to variety of applications and theoretical point of views the deep machine learning techniques and human behavior analysis have become very important and promising two research areas in these days. We shall be bridging these two research areas to gain more benefits in application wise. In particular, we shall introduce two methods: multilevel neural networks with a series of Gamma Activation Functions and deep convolution neural networks using Markov correlated convolution kernels and variable pooling techniques. In addition, back propagation will be used for parameter optimization in order to minimize the mean square errors. The validity of proposed approach will be confirmed by using available public dataset and giving experimental results for comparisons with the best existing results.
Human identification using X-Ray image matching Reviewed
Ryudo ISHIGAMI, Thi Thi Zin, Norihiro SHINKAWA, Ryuichi NISHII
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science 2227 415 - 418 2017.3
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
Human identification both prior to death and after death is becoming one of the major worldwide issues nowadays for law enforcement aspect as well as social and security aspects. General identification prior to death is possible through comparison of many biometric identifiers. However identification after death is impossible using behavioral biometric such as speech and actions. Moreover, in many circumstances such as natural disasters, air plane crash or a case of identification a couple of weeks later, most of physical biometrics may not be useful for identification due to the decay of some soft tissues. A lot of research has been done in the field of different biometric modalities like Finger-print, Iris, Hand-Veins, Dental biometrics etc. to identify humans. However only a little has been known the chest X-Ray biometric which was very powerful method for identification especially during the mass disasters in which most of other biometrics are unidentifiable. Therefore in this paper, we propose a stochastic modelling approach for human identification after death by using chest X- Ray prior to death database. Some experimental results are shown based on real life dataset and confirmed.
Visual Monitoring System for Elderly People Daily Living Activity Analysis Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, Hiromitsu Hama
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science 2227 140 - 142 2017.3
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings) Publisher:Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
In today modern world, due to the increasing number of older and vulnerable people better and new approaches are needed to support people in their own homes. Especially, intelligent visual monitoring system recognizes the activities of elderly people daily living become more and more important. This paper proposes a new approach for detecting the daily activities of elderly people whether they are deviated from normal behavior. In this context we will focus on building stochastic models of behavior based on types of activity. Models are trained using only normal behavior. Variations from the models are considered as abnormal behaviors and these can be highlighted for subsequent review or intervention. Experimental results are shown by using some real life datasets to illustrate the proposed models.
An effective method for detecting snatch thieves in video surveillance Reviewed
Hiroaki Tsushita, Thi Thi Zin
Proceeding of The 2017 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2017) 303 - 306 2017.1
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
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Color and Shape based Method for Detecting and Classifying Card Images Reviewed
Cho Nilar Phyo, Thi Thi Zin, Hiroshi Kamada, Takashi Toriu
Proceeding of The 2017 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2017) 307 - 310 2017.1
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
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Automatic Assessing Body Condition Score from Digital Images by Active Shape Model and Multiple Regression Technique Reviewed
Nay Chi Lynn, Thi Thi Zin, Ikuo Kobayashi
Proceeding of The 2017 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2017) 311 - 314 2017.1
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
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Block Based Approach for Key Frame Extraction on Large Video Sequences Reviewed
Mie Mie Tin, Nyein Nyein Myo, Mie Mie Khin, Thi Thi Zin
ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications : an international journal of research and surveys 7 ( 12 ) 2713 - 2717 2016.12
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
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A study of cow detection and extraction using feature of contrast rate Reviewed
Kosuke Sumi, Thi Thi Zin, Thu Zar Tint, Tin Myint Naing
International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology 2 ( 6 ) 5 - 7 2016.11
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
In this day, people who become livestock farmers that workload is big are decreasing. When the cow especially acts the calving behavior, livestock farmers need to watch it for a long time. Therefore, the research is aimed for developing cow calving monitoring system to reduce burden of livestock. In the cow calving monitoring system, cow detection and extraction play a vital role. In this paper, the cow detection and extraction are focused on. In order to implement it, image obtained from video camera was analyzed and identified by using techniques of image processing. In the paper, black-haired cows from video sequences are detected and extracted based on inter-frame difference method and contrast rate features. Sobel edge detector and morphological operation are employed to complete results. The experimental results show strong points and weak points of the system.
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Deep Learning Model for Integration of Clustering with Ranking in Social Networks Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, Hiromitsu Hama
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing. ICGEC 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 536. Springer 536 247 - 254 2016.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Automatic Target Tracking System based on Local and Global Features Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Kenshiro Yamada
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing. ICGEC 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 536. Springer 536 255 - 262 2016.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Reliability and Availability Measures for Internet of Things Consumer World Perspectives Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, H. Hama, Pyke Tin
Proc. of The 5th 2016 IEEE Global Conf. on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2016) 367 - 368 2016.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
DOI: 10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800446
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User-Intent Visual Information Ranking System Reviewed
Swe Nwe Nwe Htun, Thi Thi Zin, M. Yokota, Khin Mo Mo Tun
Proc. of The 5th 2016 IEEE Global Conf. on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2016) 15 - 16 2016.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
DOI: 10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800316
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