Papers - THI THI ZIN
Shape descriptor for binary image retrieval Reviewed
Moe Zet Pwint; Thi Thi Zin; Mitsuhiro Yokota; Mie Mie Tin
Proc. of The 5th 2016 IEEE Global Conf. on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2016) 365 - 366 2016.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
DOI: 10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800445
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Markov Chain based Query Classification for User Intent Image Search Engines Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin and H. Hama
ICIC Express Letters 10 ( 9 ) 2129 - 2134 2016.9
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Markov chain based query classification for user intent image search engines
Zin T., Tin P., Hama H.
ICIC Express Letters 10 ( 9 ) 2129 - 2134 2016.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:ICIC Express Letters
© 2016 ICIC International. Today Web image search engines have well recognized that a challenging and difficult problem of determining the user intent of Web searches should be thoroughly investigated. In this aspect we propose a Markov chain query classification method to understand user behavior and intent based on the queries which users used for searches. Specifically, we analyze some samples of queries from different Web search engines and classify the user queries into three classes such as informational, navigational and transactional classes. By assuming these three classes represent the type of contents that a user desired to express his or her intents, we implement the Markov chain based classification process. Some experimental results are shown to capture user intents by using a set of queries submitted to the Web search engines.
The Identification of Dairy Cows Using Image Processing Techniques Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, S. Sakurai, K. Sumi, I. Kobayashi, H. Hama
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Application 7 ( 8 ) 1857 - 1862 2016.8
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
The identification of dairy cows using image processing techniques
Zin T., Sakurai S., Sumi K., Kobayashi I., Hama H.
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 7 ( 8 ) 1857 - 1862 2016.8
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications
© 2016 ICIC International. Systems to recognize and identify individual cows have become more and more important for modern dairy farms to make precise and successful dairy management. Due to this, various types of identification systems have been coming to front line literature. Most of cow identification systems utilize electrical identification methods based on the RFID (radio frequency identification). However, RFID implementations can cause several problems. Therefore, in this paper we propose an effective and easy-to- use cow identification system by using image processing techniques. Specifically, the proposed system involves recognition of individual cow by identifying the landmark patterns on the cow body along with background modeling, and foreground marks extraction tuned on morphological operations. In order to confirm the system developed in this paper, we present some experimental results based on self-collected video sequences taken at Sumiyoshi Field Science Center, the University of Miyazaki.
Action Recognition System with the Microsoft KinectV2 using a Hidden Markov Model Reviewed
M. Fujino, Thi Thi Zin
Proc. of The Third Intl. Conf. on Computing Measurement Control and Sensor Network (CMCSN-2016) 118 - 121 2016.5
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
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A General Video Surveillance Framework for Cow Behavior Analysis Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, I. Kobayashi, Pyke Tin, H. Hama
Proc. of The Third Intl. Conf. on Computing Measurement Control and Sensor Network (CMCSN-2016) 130 - 133 2016.5
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
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Estrus Detection for Dairy Cow Using a Laser Range Sensor Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, H. Kai, K. Sumi, I. Kobayashi, H. Hama
Proc. of The Third Intl. Conf. on Computing Measurement Control and Sensor Network (CMCSN-2016) 162 - 165 2016.5
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
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Visual analysis framework for two-person interaction
Zin T., Kurohane J.
2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2015 519 - 520 2016.2
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2015
© 2015 IEEE. In this paper, a novel approach to two person interaction method is presented in which pose representation is based on the feature of silhouette images. Today human activity recognition and analysis has a tremendous potential to impact a wide range of applications from surveillance to human computer interfaces to content based video retrieval. Specifically, the proposed method makes use of human silhouettes to classify actions and interactions of human present in a scene video. The classes of interactions will include punching, pushing, kicking, hand-shaking, and hugging. Moreover, the detected interactions are further divided into violence or non-violence so that a suitable security measures would be taken. To confirm the validity of the proposed method, the experimental results are carried out by using the publicly available dataset.
Block based approach for key frame extraction on large video sequences
Tin M., Myo N., Khin M., Zin T.
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 7 ( 12 ) 2713 - 2717 2016
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications
© 2016 ISSN 2185-2766. Video segmentation and key frame extraction are very important in real world video systems. Key frames are essential to analyze on large amount of video frame sequences. This paper emphasizes surveillance video and the aim is to extract some meaningful key frames from long video sequences. This purpose is to reduce weak transaction frames in a large video stream by using block base algorithm and cluster the transition video shots. Kullback-Leible divergence method is used in key frame extraction for strong transition video shot. For weak transition video shot, the system will find three candidate key frames and they are compared. Key frames are meaningful frames for video sequences. These frames which represent video streams can be analyzed. Duplicated key frames from the video stream are analyzed in order to be extracted from different shots. Finally, key frames have many assets such as stability, accuracy, and summarize information for a large video.
A novel research topic ranking system in academic networks
Zin T., Tin P., Hama H.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 387 361 - 368 2016
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. In today world, various types of communication networks such as academic, social, technological, business and etc. come into front. All of the networks are continuously growing and expanding in volume, velocity and variety like popular platform Big Data. Among them, the academic networks such as Alumni, Research Gate, Student Network, Teacher Network and so on provide a powerful abstraction of the academic structure and dynamics of diverse kinds of inter personal academic activities and interaction. Generally, the academic network contents such as research findings and educational concepts are created and consumed by the influences of all different academic navigation paths that lead to the challenging research issues. Therefore, identifying important and researcher relevant refined structures such as new research topics information or academic communities become major factors in modern decision making world.. In this paper, we propose a novel research topic ranking system in academic networks by using the research data relational graphs from academic media platform jointly with educational data to improve the relevance between research topics and researchers intentions (i.e., academic relevance). Specifically, we propose a stochastic model based Academic-Research Topic Ranking algorithm by taking academic value into account. By using some extensive experiments, we demonstrated the significant and effectiveness of the proposed academic-research topic ranking method.
Zin T., Lin J., Pan J., Tin P., Yokota M.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 387 2016
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
A novel method for product brand ranking in consumer networks Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, H. Hama
Proceedings of The 4th IEEE Global Conf. on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2015) 328 - 329 2015.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Visual analysis framework for two-person interaction Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, J. Kurohane
Proceedings of The 4th IEEE Global Conf. on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2015) 519 - 520 2015.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
A color constancy model for non-uniform illumination based on correlation matrix Reviewed
T. Toriu, M. Hironaga, H. Kamada, Thi Thi Zin
Proceedings of the Tenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology 40 - 46 2015.10
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Cow identification by using shape information of pointed pattern
K. Sumi, I. Kobayashi, Thi Thi Zin
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (Proceedings of the 9th Intl. Conf. on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing) 2 273 - 280 2015.8
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
A novel research topic ranking system in academic networks Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, H. Hama
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (Proceedings of the 9th Intl. Conf. on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing) 1 361 - 368 2015.8
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
A Matrix-Geometric Method for Web Page Ranking Systems Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, H. Hama, T. Toriu
Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 6 ( 4 ) 639 - 647 2015.7
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
A Triplet Markov Chain Model for Loitering Behavior Detection Reviewed
Thi Thi Zin, Pyke Tin, H. Hama, T. Toriu
ICIC International, ICIC Express Letters (Part B: Applications) 6 ( 3 ) 613 - 618 2015.3
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
A Novel Hybrid Approach to Image Ranking System Reviewed
Pyke Tin, Thi Thi Zin, T. Toriu and H. Hama
ICIC International, ICIC Express Letters (Part B: Applications) 6 ( 3 ) 743 - 748 2015.3
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)