Papers - CHOSA Etsuo
宮崎県における関節リウマチに対する生物学的製剤の使用実態調査~第2報~ Reviewed
濱田浩朗, 梅北邦彦, 岡山昭彦, 日高利彦, 甲斐睦章, 上田章, 税所幸一郎, 村井幸一, 大平卓, 松山幹太郎, 金井一男, 坂田師通, 佐々木隆, 岡本将幸, 安藤徹, 秋元正樹, 首藤敏秀, 三股恒夫, 田中弦一, 松本英裕, 吉永一春, 谷口博信, 福田健二, 川野啓一郎, 木屋博昭, 市原正彬, 谷畠満, 佐保修二, 宮本義明, 帖佐悦男
宮崎県医師会医学会誌別冊 38 ( 1 ) 26 - 33 2014.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Measures to Prevent Locomotive Syndrome in Childhood: Why We Must Act Reviewed
51 ( 2 ) 113 - 119 2014.2
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Two siblings with neuropathic scoliosis caused by Chiari malformation type I with syringomyelia. Reviewed
Kuroki H, Inomata N, Hamanaka H, Higa K, Chosa E, Tajima N.
Journal of orthopaedic science 2014.1
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
当科におけるsuture bridge法による鏡視下腱板修復術<BR>-suture bridgeの縫合法の違いによる比較-
石田 康行, 帖佐 悦男, 矢野 浩明, 谷口 昇, 大田 智美, 中村 志保子, 大塚 記史
肩関節 38 ( 2 ) 532 - 536 2014
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Shoulder Society
鏡視下腱板修復術はsuture bridge(SB)法へと進化してきた.われわれもSB法を導入し腱板の整復を意識した修復を行っている.今回,滑液包側にknotがでないSB法群(-群),knotがでるSB法群(+群)の臨床成績,腱板修復状態,術後肩峰下骨形態を検討したので報告する.-群29肩,+群20肩を対象とした.両群間で性差,年齢,断裂形態に有意差はなかった.臨床成績を術前,術後1年時のJOA scoreで,腱板修復状態を術後1年時MRIで評価した.肩峰下骨形態は術後1年時CTで,一部が浸食されたimpingement type,腱板の形に適合したcongruity type,変化がないnormal typeに分類し評価した.臨床成績は-群,術前平均60.1点が術後平均92.9点へ,+群,術前平均63.1点が術後平均94.4点へと有意に改善した.腱板修復状態は再断裂率が-群,21%,+群25%であった.肩峰下骨形態は-群でcongruity type,+群でimpingement type,congruity typeの割合が高かった.臨床成績,腱板修復状態は概ね良好であった.肩峰下骨形態に関してはknotの有無,糸の質が影響していた.
Quadrilateral spaceへの骨棘による腋窩神経障害が原因と考えられた肩甲骨体部骨折後遺残痛の一例
大塚 記史, 石田 康行, 矢野 浩明, 谷口 昇, 大田 智美, 中村 志保子, 帖佐 悦男
肩関節 38 ( 2 ) 496 - 498 2014
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Shoulder Society
肩甲骨骨折後遺残痛の原因がquadrilateral spaceへの骨棘と考えられ,骨棘切除にて疼痛が消失した一例であった.症例は49歳,男性.通勤労災事故で右肩甲骨体部骨折を受傷した.近医で保存療法され骨癒合したが右肩痛が残存した.受傷後13ヶ月後,鏡視下デブリドマン施行,術後右肩痛軽快したが特定の肢位での疼痛,右肩外側への放散痛を認めた.CTでquadrilateral spaceへの骨棘を認めた.受傷22ヶ月後,観血的骨棘切除術施行し,術後直後,右肩痛は消失した.
314 Initial Stability and Strain Distribution of Cementless Hip Stems as a Function of Stem Design
2014 ( 67 ) "314 - 1"-"314-2" 2014
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Yamako G., Chosa E., Totoribe K., Hanada S., Masahashi N., Yamada N., Itoi E.
Medical Engineering and Physics 36 ( 12 ) 1665 - 1671 2014
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Medical Engineering and Physics
© 2014 IPEM.Stress shielding-related proximal femoral bone loss after total hip arthroplasty occurs because of the different stiffness of metallic alloy stems and host bone. To overcome this, we fabricated a low-modulus cementless hip stem from β-type Ti-33.6Nb-4Sn alloy (TNS). Then we evaluated its stiffness, stress shielding, and initial stability compared with a similar Ti-6Al-4V alloy stem. Stiffness was determined by axial compression and cantilever-bending tests. Thirteen triaxial strain gages measured cortical strain. Stress shielding was defined as the percentage of intact strain after stem insertion. To evaluate initial stability, displacement transducers measured axial relative displacement and rotation. Intact and implanted femurs underwent single-leg-stance loading. Axial stiffness was 56% lower in the TNS stem than in the Ti-6Al-4V stem, and bending stiffness of the TNS stem decreased gradually from the proximal region to the distal region, being ≤53% that of the Ti-6Al-4V stem, indicating gradation of Young's modulus. The TNS stem decreased stress shielding in the proximal calcar region (A1: 83%, B1: 85% relative to intact cortical strain) without affecting the proximal lateral region (B3: 53%). The initial stabilities of the stems were comparable. These findings indicate that the TNS stem with gradation of Young's modulus minimizes proximal femoral bone loss and biological fixation, improving long-term stability.
肘頭骨端線閉鎖不全に対する骨移植術の工夫 Reviewed
日本肘関節学会雑誌 20 ( 2 ) 122 - 124 2013.12
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Effect of Acetabular Reinforcement Ring With Hook for Acetabular Dysplasia Clarified by Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis Reviewed
Xin Zhao, Etsuo Chosa, GoYamako, Shinji Watanabe, Gang Deng, Koji Totoribe
The Journal of Arthroplasty 28 1765 - 1769 2013.12
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Relationship between Muscle Activity in the Shoulder Girdle Area and Trunk Rotation during Pitching Reviewed
28 ( 6 ) 703 - 708 2013.12
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Evaluation of stress shielding for three types of implanted femurs based on stress distribution
Ouchi K., Deng G., Yamako G., Chosa E., Nakanishi T.
Applied Mechanics and Materials 459 524 - 529 2013.11
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Applied Mechanics and Materials
This research investigates the stress distribution of the three types of implanted femurs using the finite element method analysis. The comparisons of the stress distribution between the implanted femursand the healthy femur were performed and the characteristics in the stress shielding of each casewere clarified. Since the load is transferred on the contact surface between the implant and the inner surface of the femur in the case of the total hip arthroplasty, the stress in the intertrochanteric zone (Gruen zone 7) become very small, and the phenomenon of the stress shielding is confirmed obviously. The stress distributions of the femurs afterthe resurfacing hiparthroplasty and the thrust plate prosthesis are about the same with that of the healthy femur, so, the possibility of the stress shielding is considered lower compared with the femur after the total hip arthroplasty. However, considering the stress concentration thatwill increase the risk of femoral fracture caused by the screws for the fixation of the implant in the thrust plate prosthesis, the resurfacing hiparthroplastymay beconcluded as the best method among these three types of implants to avoid stress shielding. © (2014)Trans Tech Publications,Switzerland.
Operative indication and procedure for postero-superior rotator cuff tear Reviewed
11 711 - 716 2013.10
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
関節リウマチ診療における超音波検査の注意点 Reviewed
濱田浩朗, 帖佐悦男, 梅北邦彦, 岡山昭彦
九州リウマチ 33 ( 2 ) 64 - 67 2013.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
足底部の血管奇形に対して硬化治療施行後に切除術を行った1例 Reviewed
大塚記史, 坂本武郎, 関本朝久, 渡邊信二, 濱田浩朗, 榮建文, 池尻洋史, 中村嘉宏, 小牧亘, 舩元太郎, 梅崎哲矢, 日吉優, 李徳哲, 帖佐悦男
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 3 ) 623 - 625 2013.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
咽後膿瘍が疑われた石灰沈着性頚長筋炎の一例 Reviewed
森田雄大, 黒木浩史, 濱中秀昭, 猪俣尚規, 増田寛, 帖佐悦男
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 3 ) 532 - 535 2013.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
幼小児側弯症に対するgrowing rod法の経験 Reviewed
黒木浩史, 猪俣尚規, 濱中秀昭, 増田寛, 森田雄大, 帖佐悦男
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 3 ) 421 - 425 2013.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
大塚 記史, 坂本 武郎, 関本 朝久, 渡邊 信二, 濱田 浩朗, 榮 建文, 池尻 洋史, 中村 嘉宏, 小牧 亘, 舩元 太郎, 梅崎 哲矢, 日吉 優, 李 徳哲, 帖佐 悦男
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 3 ) 623 - 625 2013.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Comparison of range of motion after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair between the continuous and the tenporary interscalene block Invited Reviewed
37 ( 2 ) 761 - 764 2013.9
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
学校健診における運動器検診の普及に向けて-宮崎方式:なぜ子供の頃からロコモティブシンドローム予防が必要か・課題とその対策- Reviewed
帖佐悦男, 山口奈美, 河原勝博, 山本惠太郎
日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌 3 ( 21 ) 574 - 580 2013.8
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
ラグビー選手における頚椎退行変性の予防-頚部体幹コアトレーニング導入の効果- Reviewed
田島卓也, 帖佐悦男, 河原勝博, 山口奈美, 中村嘉宏
日本整形外科スポーツ医学会雑誌 34 80 - 84 2013.8
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)