Papers - CHOSA Etsuo
Medical Checkup for Child and Adolescent Baseball Players in Miyazaki Reviewed
33 ( 1 ) 7 - 11 2013.8
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
学校健診における運動器検診の普及に向けて : 宮崎方式:なぜ子供の頃からロコモティブシンドローム予防が必要か・課題とその対策
帖佐 悦男, 山口 奈美, 河原 勝博, 山本 惠太郎
日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌 = The journal of Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine 21 ( 3 ) 574 - 580 2013.8
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:日本臨床スポーツ医学会
宮崎県国体少年男子サッカーチームに対するメディカルサポート Reviewed
日吉優, 樋口潤一, 小島岳史, 山口奈美, 永井琢哉, 宮本浩幸, 原田昭彦, 帖佐悦男
九州・山口スポーツ医・科学研究会誌 ( 25 ) 40 - 43 2013.8
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Distal Biceps Tendon Reconstruction for Rugby Football Player Using Autologous Hamstring Graft and EndoButton Technique:A Case Report Reviewed
33 ( 3 ) 321 - 326 2013.7
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Segmental Copy Number Loss in the Region of Semaphorin 4D Gene in Patiants with Acetabular Dysplasia Reviewed
Tomohisa Sekimoto, Miho Isii, Mitsuru Emi, Syuji Kurogi, Taro Funamoto, Hiroaki Hamada, Etsuo Chosa
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31 ( 6 ) 957 - 961 2013.6
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Segmental copy number loss in the region of Semaphorin 4D gene in patients with acetabular dysplasia
Sekimoto T., Ishii M., Emi M., Kurogi S., Funamoto T., Hamada H., Chosa E.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31 ( 6 ) 957 - 961 2013.6
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Acetabular dysplasia (AD) appears to be a multi-factorial disease, which may involve both genetic and environmental factors and whose pathogenesis remains obscure. The present study aims to identify a genetic variation that might confer risk of AD. We performed whole-genome screening of a copy number variation (CNV) using a deCODE-Illumina CNV beadchip with 20 female AD patients and 131 control subjects. Subsequently, Agilent's region-targeted high-density oligonucleotide tiling microarray was used to analyze 64 female AD patients and 32 female control subjects. By sequential analyses, we found a copy number loss in 18 of 64 AD patients, but none in the 32 controls. The loss occurred within a 472 kb region on 9q22.2, which harbors the gene for Semaphorin 4D (Sema4D; 18/64 vs. 0/32, p = 4.81 × 10-4, OR = 25.86). We suggest that a copy number loss of the Sema4D gene region may play a role in the etiology of AD. © 2013 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/jor.22310
Growing rod 法にて治療したvon Recklinghausen病による症候群性側弯症の1例 Reviewed
黒木浩史, 猪俣尚規, 濱中秀昭, 増田寛, 戚美玲, 帖佐悦男
Journal of Spine Research 4 ( 5 ) 941 - 945 2013.5
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Three cases tibialplateau franctures and nonunion of tibial shaft fracture treated with TKA Reviewed
38 ( 2 ) 244 - 245 2013.4
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
BTBと薄筋腱を併用した2重束ACL再建術 Reviewed
田島卓也, 山本惠太郎, 河原勝博, 石田康行, 山口奈美, 大田智美, 帖佐悦男
JOSKAS 日本関節鏡・膝・スポーツ整形外科学会雑誌 38 54 - 55 2013.4
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Three cases tibialplateau fractures and nonunion of tibial shaft fracture treated with TKA
KOJIMA Takeshi
38 ( 2 ) 244 - 245 2013.4
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
非定型大腿骨骨折の治療経験 Reviewed
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 2 ) 312 - 315 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
膝外側円板状半月に合併した大腿骨内顆離断性骨軟骨炎の治療経験 Reviewed
Journal of Japanese Orthopaedic Society of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine 38 ( 1 ) 150 - 151 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
BTBと薄筋腱を併用した2重束ACL再建術 Reviewed
Journal of Japanese Orthopaedic Society of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine 38 ( 1 ) 54 - 55 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
鏡視下腱板修復術後における非吸収性アンカー孔の検討 Reviewed
Journal of Japanese Orthopaedic Society of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine 38 ( 1 ) 16 - 17 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
高齢者の大腿骨頚部骨折に対する骨接合術の治療成績 ~成績不良例の検討~ Reviewed
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 2 ) 285 - 290 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
高齢者の大腿骨頚部骨折に対する骨接合術の治療成績 : 成績不良例の検討
吉川 大輔, 園田 典生, 田邊 龍樹, 帖佐 悦男
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 2 ) 285 - 290 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
60歳以上の大腿骨頚部骨折に対して骨接合術を施行した症例の治療成績ならびに成績不良因子に関し検討した.2007年1月から2011年12月までに行った症例のうち術後3カ月以上観察できた24例を対象とした.男性7例,女性17例で,手術は全例ハンソンピンを用いて行った.手術時平均年齢は80.3歳(60歳~99歳),骨折型はGarden分類でStage I:5例,II:10例,III:6例,IV:3例であった.これらの症例に対し,再手術率,術後合併症,術後のGarden alignment index(GAI),ピン刺入位置,telescoping量について検討した.骨癒合率は79.1%(Stage I:100%,II:100%,III:50%,IV:33%)で,術後合併症は偽関節5例,late segmental collapse 1例であった.再手術率は12.5%(3例)であった.成績不良因子は骨折型,ピン刺入位置,telescoping量であった.治療成績向上のために,technical errorを最小限に抑えること,術前評価を的確に行い手術法を選択することが重要と考えられた.
当科における化膿性脊椎炎の検討 Reviewed
整形外科と災害外科 62 ( 1 ) 5 - 8 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
宮崎県における少年野球検診の実際 Reviewed
Japanese Journal of Orthopaedic sports medicine 33 ( 1 ) 7 - 11 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Setoguchi N., Takamura N., Fujita K., Ogata K., Tokunaga J., Nishio T., Chosa E., Arimori K., Kawai K., Yamamoto R.
Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 34 ( 2 ) 125 - 136 2013.3
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition
Diclofenac suppository, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), is used widely in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with severe arthritic pain. As the binding percentage of diclofenac to serum proteins is high, its free (unbound) concentration after rectal administration is low. To increase temporarily the free concentration of diclofenac and to enhance its analgesic effect by inhibiting the protein binding of diclofenac, the analgesic effect of diclofenac was examined before and after the start of an inhibitor administration to RA patients with insufficient control of arthritic pain, and the protein binding capacity of diclofenac was evaluated. Binding experiments were performed by ultrafiltration, and arthritic pain was recorded by the face scale. Free fractions of diazepam and diclofenac were augmented by increasing 6-methoxy-2-naphthylacetic acid (6-MNA; the active metabolite of the NSAID nabumetone) concentrations. The free fraction of diazepam increased after the start of nabumetone administration to RA patients, and arthritic pain relief was observed. These results suggest that 6-MNA has an inhibitory effect on the protein binding of diclofenac and the free fraction of diazepam can be used to evaluate the binding capacity of diclofenac. It is considered that diclofenac suppository-nabumetone combination therapy and the method for protein binding monitoring by diazepam can positively benefit RA patients with insufficient control of arthritic pain. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/bdd.1829
A diclofenac suppository-nabumetone combination therapy for arthritic pain relief and a monitoring method for the diclofenac binding capacity of HSA site II in rheumatoid arthritis. Reviewed
Setoguchi N, Takamura N, Fujita K, Ogata K, Tokunaga J, Nishio T, Chosa E, Arimori K, Kawai K, Yamamoto R.
Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition 34 ( 2 ) 125 - 136 2013.1
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)